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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 441-448.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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The possibilities of an educational and developmental environment for the organization of patriotic education in cadet classes

Emelyanova Irina Nikitichna, Zajcev Mark Nikolaevich
University of Tyumen

Christian gymnasium of Tyumen

Submitted: 28.03.2024
Abstract. Patriotic education of the younger generation is a priority task in educational institutions of military orientation. The aim of the study is to identify the possibilities of the educational environment for organizing patriotic education in cadet classes. The study focuses on the analysis of the educational environment of the cadet class of the Christian gymnasium of Tyumen. The article examines the main components of the educational environment of the cadet class: semantic, informational and meaningful, and activity-based. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: it proposes a method for analyzing the educational environment of the cadet class according to the levels of development of the components. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusion is made: the process of organizing patriotic education depends on the level of development of the components of the educational environment. Pupils of the Christian gymnasium are involved in educational, extracurricular cultural and educational, and research activities of patriotic content. The shortcomings in the formation of the educational environment include the development of new forms of work, involvement of specialized specialists, and the manifestation of the initiative of teachers in enriching the content of the educational environment.
Key words and phrases: патриотическое воспитание в школе, кадетский казачий класс, воспитательно-развивающая среда, внеучебная деятельность патриотического содержания, patriotic education at school, cadet Cossack class, educational and developmental environment, extracurricular activities of patriotic content
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