Logical and gnoseological characteristics of the topic of scientific research
Degtyarev Sergei Ivanovich
Altai State Medical University
Submitted: 01.07.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the logical and epistemological nature and properties of the topic of scientific research as a form of organization and development of scientific knowledge. The article examines the problematic situation in the modern Russian theory of scientific cognition related to the interpretation of the concept of a topic, the stages of thematization, the place of problematization in it, the cognitive functions of the topic. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that a new concept of thematization as a dialectical and logical process of the development of scientific knowledge is proposed and rationally justified. As a result, it is revealed that the process of thematization begins with the analysis of an objective contradiction formed in practice, goes through the constitution of a scientific problem, the definition of an object and subject, the formulation of a research goal and ends with the synthesis of definitions of an object and subject and the formulation of a goal into a complex logical and epistemological form of the organization of scientific knowledge - the research topic.
Key words and phrases: тема научного исследования, теория научного познания, конституирование научной проблемы, постановка цели исследования, объект исследования, предмет и цель исследования, the topic of scientific research, the theory of scientific knowledge, the constitution of a scientific problem, setting the purpose of research, the object of research, the subject and purpose of research
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