Ways and means of reflecting the figurative and emotional level through multimedia: Creating an on-screen character (based on the productions of the Saratov Youth Theater)
Lazarev Pavel Sergeevich
Saratov State Conservatory
Submitted: 10.06.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the artistic features of multimedia techniques used when creating a virtual character at the figurative and emotional level of compositional construction. The paper attempts to analytically characterize the use of multimedia in theatrical and dramatic art and the tools that contribute to this. The overall picture of trends in modern stage creativity has shown that the productions of the Saratov Youth Theater have a rich multimedia content. Their consideration made it possible to identify some of the numerous artistic features regarding the art of acting. The concept of the compositional construction of a musical work by E. V. Nazaikinsky was used as a research method, which proved to be effective with respect to multimedia in theatrical and dramatic art. The figurative and emotional level of multimedia was considered, which is aimed at immersing the viewer in the consciousness of the character. The scientific novelty lies in defining a part of the general system of multimedia techniques in the structure of a stage work. As a result, the analysis revealed the principles of introducing multimedia techniques into a stage work, as well as some of their types and varieties.
Key words and phrases: образно-эмоциональный уровень мультимедиа, театрально-драматическое искусство, Саратовский ТЮЗ, актёрское искусство, Е. В. Назайкинский, экранный персонаж, figurative and emotional level of multimedia, theatrical and dramatic art, Saratov Youth Theater, acting, E. V. Nazaikinsky, on-screen character
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