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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 85-91.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Study of Art
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A milestone and essential characteristics of theatrical dance in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries

Dogorova Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Submitted: 29.01.2024
Abstract. Innovation and experiment as sources that expand and deepen the space of theatrical dance in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries had a complex connection: from “traditional” and “local modern” to “systemic” and “natural”. Unlike Western European ballet theater, in Russia the aesthetic concepts of expressionism, constructivism and abstractionism were the first poetic experiments “with” choreography and “in” choreography, which received reinterpretation not only at the level of off-dance plans and free formative laws of movement, but also at the level of artistic coordinates of space and the semantics of academic ballet art. The paper aims to substantiate the position that after the era of romantic ballets by Marius Ivanovich Petipa (1818-1910), a milestone of the choreographic system begins in Russia, associated with the tasks of rethinking the language of theatrical dance, its architectonic structures (scenic and bodily), as well as the essential characteristics of the content and form of the ballet text. The study is novel in that it develops the following hypothesis: the architectonic space of the stage and architectonic bodily forms become figuratively and expressively evidence-based. The connection between the lexical potential and the creation of tectonic tasks in the system of academic movement is revealed, the verbal, temporal and visual continuum of space is correlated. As a result, the paper systematizes European and Asian theatrical traditions in the study of artistic and physiological processes of movement in order to determine the specifics of the architectonic bodily structures of the period under consideration.
Key words and phrases: язык, танец, театральный танец, хореография, балет, рубежность хореографической системы, академизм, архитектоническое сценическое пространство и архитектонические телесные формы, семантическая и физическая реальность искусства, пластическое мышление, language, dance, theatrical dance, choreography, ballet, milestone of the choreographic system, academism, architectonic stage space and architectonic bodily forms, semantic and physical reality of art, plastic thinking
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