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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 2. P. 76-84.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Study of Art
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Musical portrait of Nikolay Tcherepnin: Stages of his life and creative work. On the 150th anniversary of his birth

Anuchin Artem Maximovich
Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M. I. Glinka

Submitted: 03.02.2024
Abstract. The article analyzes the main stages of the life path and creative achievements of Nikolai Cherepnin. The author set out to remind the musical community about this universal musician, whose pinnacle of professional success was achieved in Russia: it was in his homeland that he gained the status of an outstanding composer, conductor, pianist, educator, and one of the finest masters of orchestral writing. Additionally, Cherepnin's composer figure is presented in the artistic context of Russian and foreign music of the first half of the 20th century. Western musicology believes that the avant-garde features of Nikolai Cherepnin's compositions emerged during his 'French' period, hence the article focuses on the innovative aspects of Cherepnin's work that originated within Russian culture: in the music of M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. K. Lyadov, as well as in works of the 'World of Art' artists. As a result, a more comprehensive artistic portrait of the underexplored composer in the context of the Silver Age is created, filling in some 'blank spots' in the picture of the musical art of the early 20th century music.
Key words and phrases: Николай Николаевич Черепнин, Санкт-Петербургская консерватория, Н. А. Римский-Корсаков, Беляевский кружок, театральная антреприза «Русские сезоны», художественное объединение «Мир искусства», Парижская русская консерватория имени Сергея Рахманинова, Nikolay Nikolayevich Tcherepnin, Saint Petersburg Conservatory, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Belaieff Circle, Diaghilev’s “Russian Seasons” theatrical enterprise, artistic association “World of Art”, Sergei Rachmaninoff Paris Russian Conservatory
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