Battle Painting as Historical Document. Specificity of A. E. Kotzebue’s Creative Method
Lyubin Dmitry Vladimirovich
The State Hermitage museum
Submitted: 11.04.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal specificity of the creative method of the prominent but undeservedly forgotten Russian battle painter A. E. Kotzebue in the context of the Russian and foreign academic battle painting of the half - third quarter of the XIX century. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that relying on previously unpublished documentary sources, the researcher identifies common and peculiar features of Kotzebue’s creative method in the context of the Russian and foreign academic battle painting of the half - third quarter of the XIX century. As a result, it is proved that A. E. Kotzebue’s creative method was developed during his studies at the Imperial Academy of Arts and didn’t change over the course of his life; this method was typical of academic battle painting of the half - third quarter of the XIX century. Adherence to established methods allowed the painter to create pictures which can rightfully be called historical documents.
Key words and phrases: А. Е. Коцебу, творческий метод художника, Санкт-Петербургская Академия художеств, академическая батальная живопись, военная история, A. E. Kotzebue, painter’s creative method, Imperial Academy of Arts, academic battle painting, military history
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