Developing Associative and Visual Thinking in the Process of Creating Colour Graphic Compositions
Bortnikova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Udmurt State University
Submitted: 01.04.2021
Abstract. The article addresses topical issues of associative and visual thinking development in students through the process of creating formal compositions. The purpose of the research is to develop and test the author’s methodology within the scope of experimental creative tasks in colour science, since it is with the help of colour that one can most vividly, succinctly and unconventionally express feelings and emotions. Scientific novelty of the research lies in proposing an algorithm for creating formal colour graphic compositions used for associative and visual thinking development, as well as in expressing obtained emotions and associations through a reflective essay upon the task completion. As a result, the presented algorithm can be considered one of the methods in associative and visual thinking development, which is very important for educational process and professional growth of students majoring in creative arts.
Key words and phrases: ассоциативно-образное мышление, цветоведение, цветографические формальные композиции, associative and visual thinking, colour science, colour graphic formal compositions
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