Transcendental Subject from Descartes to Husserl: Classical and Non-Classical Approaches in the Western European Metaphysics
Tsiplakova Yulia Vladimirovna, Dmitrieva Anastasia Valerievna
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Surgut State University
Submitted: 05.03.2021
Abstract. The study aims to trace a complex of historical and philosophical transformations of the subject conception in the Western European philosophy. The article reveals the origins of transcendentalism in R. Descartes’s philosophy and its development in B. Spinoza’s metaphysics. It is noted that classical understanding of the transcendental subject essence was formed in I. Kant’s philosophy, while non-classical understanding was developed in A. Schopenhauer’s and E. Husserl’s philosophy. The study is novel in that it is the first to postulate a set of features of the non-classical conception of the transcendental subject, peculiar to the Western European philosophy of the XIX-XX centuries. The attained results have shown that understanding of the transcendental subject, developed by the first third of the XX century and associated with the non-classical philosophical tradition, eliminates a number of contradictions in philosophy of the Modern Age, opening up new horizons for thematisation of intersubjectivity problems for subsequent thinkers.
Key words and phrases: трансцендентальный субъект, эмпирический субъект, метафизика, рационализм, феноменология, transcendental subject, empirical subject, metaphysics, rationalism, phenomenology
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