Simulacrisation of Personal Identification Practices
Erokhin Vladimir Sergeevich
Saratov State Law Academy
Submitted: 16.10.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the statement that the development of modern technologies leads to the distribution of personal identification forms, as a result of which personal identification practices turn out to be simulative. The paper discusses the basic concepts, i.e. personality, identification, distribution, simulacrum. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in recognising the fact that the idea of simulacrisation as one of the trends in the transformation of social practices has an impact on the process of exercising personal identification of an individual. The paper demonstrates the possibility of managing the social practices of an individual and ways of achieving their personal identification. The research findings have shown that the personal self-identity of an individual becomes their mask, since in order to achieve personal identification simulative social practices are exercised. Possessing such a mask is perceived as socially acceptable and a person loses their own essence and is able to exercise only a simulated personal identification practice.
Key words and phrases: симулякр, социальные практики, персональная идентификация, социальная дистрибуция, simulacrum, social practices, personal identification, social distribution
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