Society of Easel Painters: Compositional and Plot Parallels
Voronovich Elena Vladimirovna
State Tretyakov Gallery
Submitted: 22.08.2021
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the origins of stylistic lines and techniques and the commo¬nality of plot motives and compositional solutions in the works of a number of artists from the Society of Easel Painters association. The scientific originality of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the creative heritage of the Society of Easel Painters masters, including the lost works discovered through the publication of their reproductions. The author manages to analyse the commonality of plot motives and compositional decisions in the artists’ creative work, linking this with a general attitude towards clarity in choosing a plot, and with mutual influence, play and competition for the best realization of a particular motive, with an attempt to form the main style. As a result, it was proved that the masters of the Society of Easel Painters, against the background of their common desire to create a new figurative art and reflect modernity, with all the individuality of their plastic language, adhered to similar compositional techniques, as well as similar plot motives and thematic lines (often new for Russian fine art).
Key words and phrases: Общество станковистов (ОСТ), новое фигуративное искусство, отражение современности, общность композиционных приемов, сюжетов и тем, опыт зарубежных поездок, Society of Easel Painters, new figurative art, reflection of modernity, commonality of compositional techniques, plots and themes, experience of foreign travel
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