Identification of Conflictogenity Factors in Academic Environment
Orekhovskaya Natalia Anatolievna, Godzhaeva Aida Dzhavadovna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 14.10.2021
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify and determine the conflictogenity factors in the sphere of higher education. The article studies the reasons for conflictogenity growth and ways to reduce it in the context of the existing new system of values, which is formed under the influence of mass culture, globalization processes in the sphere of higher education and development of information technologies. The scientific originality of the research consists in the development of recommendations for reducing conflictogenity in the sphere of higher education. As a result of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the notion of conflictogenity, potential zones of conflictogenity have been identified and described, the main conflictogenity factors in the sphere of higher education have been revealed, the reasons for conflictogenity in the modern society in the context of digitalization of the higher education system in the Russian Federation have been determined. The analysis of conflictogenity factors in the student’s society is presented most fully.
Key words and phrases: конфликтогенность, академическая среда, конфликт, субъект образовательной среды, высшее образование, conflictogenity, academic environment, conflict, subject of educational environment, higher education
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