Variety and Polyphony of Texts in Musical Culture of Romantic Period
Andrievskaya Galina Petrovna
Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 23.03.2020
Abstract. The article studies the phenomenon of a musical text, identifies the features distinguishing it from a piece of work. The core aspects of creativity of renowned Romantic composers of Western Europe and Russia in the XIX - early XX century are specified. The work also analyses the notion of text polyphony, peculiarities of its manifestation in the Western European and Russian musical art of the Romantic period. The research aims to provide a description of what the text category is in musical culture of the Romantic period. The study is novel in that the phenomenon of a text in musical culture is understudied and thematic variety of musical works is a "calling card" of the Romantic period. Basing on the research findings, the author sums up specifics of variety of musical texts in musical culture of the Romantic period.
Key words and phrases: романтизм, музыкальная культура, музыкальный текст, полифония, многообразие, произведение, Romantic period, musical culture, musical text, polyphony, variety, piece of work
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