Aristotle’s Conception of Cognition: From Aesthesis to Noesis
Kushnarenko Sergei Petrovich
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Submitted: 26.02.2020
Abstract. The paper argues that the commonly accepted conception of cognition as transition from sensual perception to reasoning is false. Actual cognition is a moment where sensuality and reason are inseparable; therefore, they are also inseparable at any stage of cognition. Gnoseological interpretation of cognition as transition from perception to reasoning is a converted form of cognition existence. Aristotle’s conception of cognition as transition from aesthesis to noesis is considered the most adequate. At both the stages of cognition we are dealing with the same energy flow. Experience is communication of a wholesome individual with the surrounding world, and cognition is a form of this experience.
Key words and phrases: символ, фантазма, познание, интерпретация, эстезис, ноэзис, кинэстеза, восприятие, symbol, phantasma, cognition, interpretation, aesthesis, noesis, kinesthesa, perception
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