Nigomatullina Rezida Maskhutovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Submitted: 26.10.2020
Abstract. The study aims to present the notion of subjectivity in management activity as having multiple meanings, referring to various types of management rationality. Scientific novelty of the research lies in substantiating the influence that moral and value attitudes have on rationality of management subjectivity development, which has allowed the researcher to determine distinct nature of the Russian management. As a result, it was shown that subjectivity can be presented in the form of corporate policies, management position, in the format of file texts. The competence-based approach of institutionalising management activity remains relevant in the Russian realities. It was determined that subjectivity is expressed through management institutions, as well as through a manager’s personality.
Key words and phrases: субъектность, рациональность, управление, институциональность, ценности, subjectivity, rationality, management, institutionality, values
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