Document of the Office Sale (Stela Cairo JE 52453)
Panov Maxim Vyacheslavovich
Submitted: 05.11.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the hieroglyphic inscription on so called st?le juridique from Karnak, which dates to the end of the Second Intermediate Period (XVII century BCE). Inscription copied to the stone slab is a record of the judicial trial that took place in Thebes. The case dealt with the demand to give back the property valued at 5.5 kg of gold. The subsequent assignment of the nomarch office to the claimer satisfied the debt. The statement, attested by the officials, and court records mentioned in the text are an evidence of legal relations in the ancient society. The current Russian translation of the text is published for the first time.
Key words and phrases: Древний Египет, Фивы, Карнак, имущественные отношения, Туринский список правителей, Ancient Egypt, Thebes, Karnak, property rights, The Royal Canon of Turin
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