Makovetskaya Mariya Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology
Submitted: 31.03.2019
Abstract. The article aims to identify discursive differences in using the "musical space" concept. The first part of the study focuses on the history of the "space" concept, the second part analyses the specificity of discourses on musical space. The role of the "space" concept in musical aesthetics is considered at two levels. At the general level the author emphasizes the necessity of the symbolic spatial representation of length for the functioning of memory process. At the particular level, the specificity of musical meaning requires the use of spatial schematization, which conditions the process of musical perception. The category of space appears to be necessary to describe the process of "musical code" reading.
Key words and phrases: эстетика, онтология искусства, философия музыки, музыкальное пространство, музыкальное восприятие, aesthetics, ontology of art, philosophy of music, musical space, musical perception
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