Rezvanova Larisa Anatol’evna, Rezvanov Sergei Vladimorovich, Titova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Don State Technical University
Submitted: 31.10.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the topical issue of the subjective and objective components of the personality’s development genesis. The authors analyse the complex metamorphoses of the real and illusory moments of educational process as a resource for the personality’s formation and development. The study emphasizes that education is not only training and not mainly training, but socio-cultural significant competencies (or abilities) acquisition by the personality. The research attempts to go beyond the boundaries of the empirical dilemma "personal - impersonal", "student - education system", "teacher - pupil". The article criticizes the empirical conception of the individual as a biological autonomous being. The paper shows the complex dependence of subjective and objective social structures, which are both internal, including the individual, and external, opposing the individual. The authors develop methodologically L. S. Vygotsky and V. V. Davydov’s idea about the constitutive influence of "inner circle" on the becoming personality introducing it to the objective cultural forms of social relations.
Key words and phrases: генетическая личность, детерминизм и индетерминизм, биологический индивидуализм, эмпиризм, субъект, объект, образование, развитие, genetic personality, determinism and indeterminism, biological individualism, empiricism, subject, object, education, development
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