Platonova Alina Aleksandrovna
Sobinov Saratov State Conservatory
Submitted: 07.08.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of artistic and pedagogical principles unity in the creative work of the outstanding pianist of the XX century Maria Izrailevna Grinberg. Basing on the careful study of the pianist’s recordings, the students’ memories and music with notes belonging to both Maria Grinberg and her students, the author analyses the peculiarities of her performing and pedagogical work, formulates and structures artistic and pedagogical principles and concludes that it is possible to divide them only conditionally, these notions complement each other, because piano pedagogy is based on artistic activity.
Key words and phrases: фортепиано, фортепианное искусство, фортепианная педагогика, пианистка Мария Гринберг, художественные и педагогические принципы, piano, piano art, piano pedagogy, pianist Maria Grinberg, artistic and pedagogical principles
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