Bushueva Valentina Viktorovna, Bushuev Nikolai Nikolaevich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Submitted: 04.06.2018
Abstract. The article substantiates the topicality of developing the content and meaning of the ecological worldview in modern industrial production conditions. It should be noted that the functions and importance of the ecological worldview have not been analyzed sufficiently in scientific literature, the interaction and relation between the functionally significant links of this important direction are not singled out. In this paper, the authors analyze the interaction and interrelation between scientific, political, economic, legal and other essential moments of the ecological worldview, which has allowed developing a holistic, systemic content of this notion and determining the necessary stages for the formation of the ecological worldview. This approach represents a certain novelty of the study. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given for the further development of this significant area.
Key words and phrases: экологическое мировоззрение, система научных знаний, экологические ценности, противоречие между экономическими и экологическими факторами, законодательно-правовые формы, политизация экологических проблем, прогнозирование экологических процессов, ecological worldview, system of scientific knowledge, environmental values, contradiction between economic and environmental factors, legislative and legal forms, politicization of environmental problems, forecasting of environmental processes
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