The content of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language for students of customs
Afonina Ksenia Evgenyevna
Ural Federal University
Submitted: 08.06.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to specify the content of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language and its subject–thematic component for students of the specialty "Customs". The article proposes the structure of the declared training course and substantiates its compliance with the selected special areas of knowledge and skills that customs specialists need to possess. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the content of a professional foreign language course corresponding to the essence and purpose of teaching a professional foreign language for higher educational institutions. As a result of the study, it was found that compliance with the thematic content of training and orientation to the development of skills of active and passive types of speech activity will contribute to the harmonious formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence, increase motivation for further study of a foreign language.
Key words and phrases: профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык, английский язык, таможенное дело, содержание обучения, professionally oriented foreign language, English, customs, content of training
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