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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 545-553.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Diagnostic tools for studying the readiness of blind students for rhythmic exercises (in primary school)

Nikitina Anna Valentinovna
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen

Submitted: 11.05.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to substantiate the need to introduce a diagnostic procedure that allows for a comprehensive assessment of various aspects of blind children performing different types of exercises that correspond to the content of the main sections of the correctional and developmental course “Rhythmics”. The paper covers the problems of physical development of blind students, difficulties in the formation of their motor sphere, the overcoming of which involves the implementation of correctional and pedagogical work through the organization and conduct of the correctional course “Rhythmics”. The developed diagnostic procedure and the results of the initial testing of the appropriate diagnostic tools are presented, confirming the need to continue studying the readiness of blind students to master the course “Rhythmics” at other levels of education. The scientific novelty consists in elaborating the use of diagnostic tools to assess pupils’ readiness to master the correctional and developmental course “Rhythmics”, which are not developed in pedagogy for blind and visually impaired. As a result, the directions and parameters of studying the readiness of blind students to master the course “Rhythmics” were determined. The results obtained account for the expediency of including the tested diagnostic methodology in the correctional and educational process of blind students.
Key words and phrases: слепые обучающиеся, занятия ритмикой, диагностическая процедура, диагностический инструментарий, своеобразие физического развития, blind students, rhythmic exercises, diagnostic procedure, diagnostic tools, peculiarity of physical development
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