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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 527-533.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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The ideas of the Voronezh heuristic pedagogical school in the works of N. F. Bunakov

Chigireva Elena Mikhailovna
Voronezh State University

Submitted: 02.05.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to attract attention and return to the origins of the methodology and methodology of heuristic pedagogy aimed at the education and upbringing of a humane, patriotic and creative person in the context of changing social relations. The article examines the legacy of the unique Voronezh pedagogical heuristic school and the "Voronezh period" of the activity of the outstanding humanist teacher N. F. Bunakov, who laid the foundations for the national education of Russian literature. The methods of moral and intellectual development, the principles of heuristic search in teaching the Russian language are analyzed. The scientific novelty lies in the modern integrated approach to the national pedagogical thought, which acquires urgent importance for preserving the continuity of traditions and the logic of scientific knowledge. As a result of the research, the urgent need for broader and deeper inclusion in the courses of pedagogy, Russian philology, history, psychology and the works of N. F. has been convincingly demonstrated. These works have interdisciplinary and general cultural significance, so there is an urgent need to republish selected works of teachers and educators who created the heuristic pedagogical school.
Key words and phrases: эвристическая педагогическая школа, гуманистическая педагогика, народное обучение отечественной словесности, педагог-гуманист Н. Ф. Бунаков, катехизация текста, heuristic pedagogical school, humanistic pedagogy, folk education of Russian literature, humanist teacher N. F. Bunakov, catechism of a text
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