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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 6. P. 506-510.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Professional and personal competence of a cadet in the system of ensuring the quality of training at a military university

Kuznetsov Yuri Nikolaevich
Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Submitted: 09.04.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to describe the structure and content of the developed model for the formation of professional and personal competence of a military university cadet. The article presents the author's approach to solving the problem of ensuring the quality of cadets' education based on the implementation of a managerial function within the framework of the nodal mechanism of the situational center (software and hardware complex) of the pedagogical system of a military university, which allows diagnosing, predicting (modeling) and correcting the pedagogical result of the system (professional and personal competence of the cadet). The scientific novelty of the study consists in substantiating the expediency of using the model of the functional system of P. K. Anokhin's behavioral act to form the professional and personal competence of a cadet as a pedagogical result of the action of the quality assurance system of a military university. As a result of the research, an approach to diagnosis, forecasting (modeling) and correction of professional and personal competence of a cadet of a military university has been developed and a structural and meaningful model of its formation has been developed.
Key words and phrases: военный вуз, обеспечение качества обучения, профессионально-личностная компетентность, педагогический результат, эталонный образ, прогнозирование развития, military university, ensuring the quality of training, professional-personal competence, pedagogical result, reference image, prediction of development
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