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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 384-390.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Pedagogical Sciences
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Specifics of implementation of modular retraining program developing competencies in occupational safety for staff members in oil and gas industry

Bekchiv Vadim Nikolaevich, Stepanova Galina Alexeevna
Surgut State University

Surgut State Pedagogical University

Submitted: 19.03.2024
Abstract. The research is aimed at the identification of specifics in implementation of modular retraining program developing competencies in occupational safety for staff members in oil and gas industry. The article focuses on the need for developing competencies in occupational safety for staff members in oil and gas industry, presents a conceptual and modular scheme for developing competencies in occupational safety for staff members in oil and gas industry, discusses the assessment of changing level of competencies in occupational safety as a result of implementing the conceptual and modular scheme. The research is scientifically novel since it presents a new conceptual and modular scheme and a new retraining program evolved for developing competencies in occupational safety for staff members in oil and gas industry; a procedure of evaluating the completion of the retraining program using testing by modules has been developed; the experience of testing the implementation and a qualitative assessment of the efficiency of the developed program has been realized. The research identifies that the use of a conceptual and modular scheme and the retraining program developed on its basis for additional vocational education has a positive effect on occupational safety competencies, which, in its turn, reduces the occurrence of emergencies and industrial accidents in the researched industry.
Key words and phrases: компетенции безопасного труда, формирование компетенций безопасного труда, нефтегазовая отрасль, концептуально-модульная схема, occupational safety competencies, development of occupational safety competencies, oil and gas industry, conceptual and modular scheme
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