Effective practice of organizing mediation service as a tool for improving school climate
Skobelkina Julia Igorevna
Secondary School No. 67 in Magnitogorsk
Submitted: 27.03.2024
Abstract. The research aims to develop a mechanism for interaction between the school mediation service and the Primary Branch of the “Movement of the First” within the framework of an educational organization to be used as one of the tools to improve school climate. The article describes in detail the implementation of this practice in the Secondary School No. 67 in Magnitogorsk during the academic year 2023-2024. The research discusses the notion of school climate and traces its relationship with the procedure of education quality assessment. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the practice of introducing a mechanism for interaction between internal services and children’s public associations (in particular, the Primary Branch of the “Movement of the First”) into the work of an educational organization is experimental and requires proof of effectiveness. The article hypothesizes that the introduction of this mechanism will improve school climate within the organization. Based on this hypothesis, an experiment was conducted and its results were presented. To determine the level of school climate development, criteria and indicators of a favorable school climate were developed, based on which research was conducted in February 2023 and January 2024. The outcomes of the assessment are presented as confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed practice. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the implementation of the mechanism for interaction between the school mediation service and the Primary Branch of the “Movement of the First” is an effective practice that can be used to improve school climate in an educational organization. Based on the above, the practice described in the article is relevant and new for educational organizations. The introduction of this mechanism will allow not only to improve school climate within an educational organization but also to establish interaction between individual elements of the educational process.
Key words and phrases: оценка качества образования, школьный климат, школьная служба примирения, служба медиации, профилактика конфликтов, воспитательная работа, assessment of education quality, school climate, school reconciliation service, mediation service, conflict prevention, educational work
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