Ways to ensure the effective implementation of the Russian education export strategy
Rybakova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Siberian Federal University
Submitted: 04.05.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify the key areas of the Russian academic, economic and sociocultural sphere that can be positively influenced by the Russian education export strategy in order to specify the ways of organizing educational process and social adaptation of foreign students that would contribute to the most successful implementation of all aspects of this strategy. The paper examines the reasons why states pay great attention to the internationalization of their higher education system and also identifies the main areas of the Russian university environment, economy and culture that are the beneficiaries of the influx of foreign students to the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the scientific work explores the ways to improve the system of higher education that will allow organizing the studying and recreation of foreign students in such a manner that all the most important problems related to the implementation of education export are successfully solved and reflected in Russia’s scientific, industrial and cultural development, both at the national level and internationally. The scientific novelty lies in presenting new ways to adapt the educational process at the university to the educational needs of foreign students, as well as in offering methods for improving the socializing, cultural-educational and career guidance work of universities, which together are able to ensure foreign students’ formation not only as qualified professionals, but also as the professionals with a pronounced positive perception of Russia who respect our culture and seek to cooperate with Russian organizations in one form or another. As a result of achieving the research objectives, the role of education export in the policy of many countries has been determined, which consists in ensuring stable high incomes and in strengthening the leading position of the state on the international stage. The main directions of the academic, economic and sociocultural spheres significantly affected by all the multitude of activities undertaken in the process of education export have been identified. The main parameters of university education that require modernization with regard to the development of the Russian higher education export strategy have been determined. The need for integration of additional disciplines in Russian into the educational route of foreign students throughout the entire course of study at the university has been argued. The need for advanced training of the teaching staff in terms of the methodology of teaching disciplines in Russian as a foreign language has been noted. The importance of the active involvement of foreign students in the university environment and the sociocultural city life has been shown. The correlation between the increase in the number of potential foreign applicants who would like to earn a degree in a Russian university and ensuring the high quality of education for foreign students along with the creation of favorable conditions for their effective sociocultural adaptation has been proved.
Key words and phrases: образовательная политика, экспорт образования, академическая мобильность, русский язык как иностранный, рекрутинг, социокультурная адаптация, тьюторинг, зарубежные абитуриенты, студенты-иностранцы, education policy, education export, academic mobility, Russian as a foreign language, recruiting, sociocultural adaptation, tutoring, foreign applicants, foreign students
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