Abstract. The paper aims to study the phenomenon of the feeling of school. Modern pedagogical literature, fundamentally rationally and pragmatically oriented, ignores this reality. The paper interprets the feeling of school as the perception and acceptance of an educational organization as a personified (metaphysical) spirituality (ideally) by the teacher. The feeling of school finds itself in the teacher’s keeping of the institution’s face – its inner lively composure, its history, its dramas and hopes, the boundaries of its space, the measure of its freedom, everything that gives it the features of a person. The feeling of school serves as a guide in the teacher’s activities in an educational organization: the teacher sees what is possible and necessary for implementation in the school space, sees and performs his/her due to the extent of his/her free participation in the life of the educational organization. The feeling of school is comprehended as a condition for the productivity of the teacher’s work. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in elaborating on the content of the feeling of school as a pedagogical category. The methodology of the paper is the idealistic-substrate reflection of A. A. Gagaev.
Key words and phrases: школа, метафизика, духовность, персонификация, лицо, учитель, свобода, чувство, school, metaphysics, spirituality, personification, face, teacher, teacher, feeling
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