Psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching Japanese at the initial stage at a language university using a text corpus
Nurgaliev Ilnaz Ramilovich
Moscow City University
Submitted: 03.11.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify the psychological and pedagogical features of teaching Japanese at the initial stage at a language university using a text corpus. The process of interaction between a student, a text corpus and linguistic information from a Japanese text corpus is analyzed. The paper mainly focuses on the importance and necessity of analyzing the speech patterns of the Japanese language using a text corpus, as well as the relationship between these patterns and memorization mechanisms. The scientific novelty lies in developing a scheme for teaching Japanese at the initial stage at a language university using a text corpus, which includes four main stages: perception, detection, understanding and creation of a mental model. As a result of the study, the researcher considered the psychological and pedagogical features of teaching Japanese at the initial stage at a language university using a corpus, which can form the basis of a corresponding teaching methodology.
Key words and phrases: обучение японскому языку, языковой корпус, начальный этап обучения иностранному языку, речевые шаблоны японского языка, Japanese language teaching, text corpus, initial stage of foreign language learning, speech patterns of the Japanese language
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