Theoretical Approaches to the Training Manual "Solfeggio" by the Material of the Khant and Mansi People’s Musical Folklore
Pavlov Denis Nikolaevich, Tsvetkova Olga Yurievna
Surgut College of Russian Culture named after A. S. Znamensky
Submitted: 25.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to explain the need to use the training manual "Solfeggio" by the material of the musical folklore of the Khant and Mansi people who inhabit the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region - Ugra in the educational process at musical schools for children and art schools, colleges of culture and art. The article reveals the nature of the ethno-intonational hearing and carries out the complex analysis of the Khant and Mansi people’s folklore. This folklore which becomes a basis for the training manual "Solfeggio" is being put into practice in teaching musical-theoretical disciplines for the first time. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it develops and tests the technology of development of the learners’ ethno-intonational hearing with its stages corresponding to the sections of the training manual "Solfeggio" by the material of the musical folklore of the Khant and Mansi people focused on the sense of rhythm development, intonational hearing, modal thinking, mastering the melodics of the compositional works based on the Khant and Mansi people’s folklore. As a result, the training manual "Solfeggio" by the material of the Khant and Mansi people’s musical folklore has been presented, the goals, objectives and the contents of its sections have been described.
Key words and phrases: сольфеджио, учебное пособие, музыкальный фольклор, народы ханты и манси, этноинтонационный слух, solfeggio, training manual, musical folklore, Khant and Mansi people, ethno-intonational hearing
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