Academic and Research Work of Translation-Interpretation Students in the System of Career Guidance Activities of a Multidisciplinary University
Alikina Elena Vadimovna, Demidova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Submitted: 09.08.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to present a model for the organisation of translation-interpretation students’ academic and research work in the system of career guidance activities, using the example of a multidisciplinary polytechnic university. The paper considers academic and research work as an interdisciplinary and suprasubject (according to I. A. Zimnyaya) link contributing to the formation of students’ research competence; describes the structure and content of training modules, provides examples of professionally oriented tasks, identifies the subject field of future translators-interpreters’ research. Scientific novelty consists in presenting a set of methodological, structural, content-related and ontological characteristics of translation-interpretation students’ academic and research work, which creates a scientific and methodological basis for modeling the corresponding professionally oriented course. As a result, the conclusion has been made that the systematic organisation of academic and research work at university is important for improving the quality of specialist training.
Key words and phrases: учебно-исследовательская работа, студенты-переводчики, профориентационная деятельность, многопрофильный вуз, academic and research work, translation-interpretation students, career guidance activities, multidisciplinary university
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