Teaching the English-Language Art History Discourse to History Students Based on Set of Exercises on the Moodle Platform
Skripkina Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Voinova Viktoria Vladimirovna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 08.02.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to provide theoretical justification and experimental verification of effectiveness of using a set of exercises to teach the English-language art history discourse through the Moodle platform to students who pursue a degree in History. The article presents a set of exercises that makes it possible to ensure formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence in History students, which is dictated by the requirements laid down in regulatory documents and also meets students’ needs identified as a result of a survey. Scientific novelty of the research lies in testing effectiveness of the Moodle platform for teaching foreign languages to students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in History and in developing an electronic educational course on this platform, which contains a set of exercises for teaching the English-language art history discourse to History students. As a result, it is proved that the Moodle platform is an effective means for teaching a foreign language and that it contributes to organisation of students’ independent activities.
Key words and phrases: иностранный язык, студенты-историки, платформа Moodle, искусствоведческий дискурс, комплекс упражнений, foreign language, History students, Moodle platform, art history discourse, set of exercises
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