Problem-Value Analysis of Authentic Literary Texts in the Context of Dialogue Space of Foreign-Language Education (Language Specialisations)
Izotova Nadezhda Vasilievna, Nikolaenko Elena Mikhailovna, Zubareva Alina Alexandrovna
Bryansk State University named after ac. I. G. Petrovsky
English Language Training Center "English to Go"
Submitted: 31.03.2021
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe the problem-value analysis of authentic literary texts (hereinafter ALT), aimed at value orientation of students in language specialisations, in correlation with the dialogic space. The article addresses the functional component of using ALT in teaching foreign lan-guages at university and also describes the main and transitional stages of the problem-value analysis of ALT as a tool for recreating multidimensional development environment, which is the dialogic space. The study clarifies the notion of the dialogic space as applied to foreign-language education and describes its structural components. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the stages of analysing authentic literary texts are presented in correlation with components of the dialogic space and with the techniques of working with an authentic literary text in the course of teaching a foreign language to students in language specialisations. As a result of the study, it is found that the problem-value analysis includes three main stages (motivational-preparatory, analytical-prospective, value-forming), which correlate to varying degrees with the components of the dialogic space of foreign-language education.
Key words and phrases: диалоговое пространство иноязычного образования, аутентичный художественный текст, проблемно-ценностный анализ, иностранный язык, dialogic space of foreign-language education, authentic literary text, problem-value analysis, foreign language
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