Using "Flipped Classroom" Technology in Online Arabic-Language Education of Non-Linguistic Students
Vavichkina Tatiana Anatolievna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 25.08.2020
Abstract. The study aims to determine the efficiency of a widespread "flipped classroom" technology in online Arabic-language education. The author describes the experience of using this technology, proposes a set of exercises on the Arabic mood forms. The scientific originality of the paper involves developing "flipped classroom" methodology of the online Arabic grammar course for first-year students of non-linguistic specialities. The researcher concludes that the "flipped classroom" technology facilitates the acquisition of grammatical material and increases the efficiency of online students’ autonomous work.
Key words and phrases: педагогическая технология, "перевернутый класс", дистанционное обучение арабскому языку, неязыковой вуз, комплекс упражнений, pedagogical technology, "flipped classroom", distant Arabic language teaching, non-linguistic higher school, set of exercises
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