Informational and Methodological Assistance to the Teacher under the Conditions of Distant Foreign Language Learning
Kuzmina Larisa Grigorievna, Petrosyan Zhanna Varazdatovna
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 09.06.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to provide informational and methodological assistance to the higher school teacher in reorganizing foreign language learning, so as to ensure effective and smooth transition to the distant format. The article examines the potential of electronic educational resources used in higher education, identifies the most relevant ones when teaching a foreign language and proposes an algorithm to compile electronic educational resources for distant learning. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors justify the choice of interactive video materials and infographics as the most suitable electronic educational resources for distant foreign language learning, introduce methodology of working with educational content of the "Foreign Language" discipline developed on the basis of the electronic educational resources under study. The conducted research allows revealing the educational potential of the mentioned electronic resources and justifies reasonability of using certain algorithms when compiling educational content based on video materials and infographics, thus enriching a cognitive component of the foreign language teacher’s professional competence.
Key words and phrases: информационно-методическая поддержка, иностранные языки, дистанционное обучение, электронные образовательные ресурсы, интерактивные видеоматериалы, инфографика, informational and methodological assistance, foreign languages, distant learning, electronic educational resources, interactive video materials, infographics
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