Axiological and Synergetic Resources to Develop Future Engineers’ Educational Projectivity
Charikova Irina Nikolaevna
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 27.03.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to describe the content of axiological and synergetic resources focused on forming and developing future engineers’ educational projectivity under conditions of higher school. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that axiological and synergetic resources are considered as resources to promote future engineers’ self-organization, personal and professional growth. The conducted research has allowed the author to identify the following axiological and synergetic resources for developing future engineers’ educational projectivity: personal motives and meanings of the acquired knowledge, value attitude to the process of cognition, efficient realization of project activity within the framework of active, transforming and value attitude to the technosphere.
Key words and phrases: профессиональное образование, инженер, непрерывное образование, ценности, знание, образовательная проектность, professional education, engineer, continuous education, values, knowledge, educational projectivity
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