Andreev-Tverdov Andrei Igorevich, Borovikov Ivan Fedorovich, Khusnetdinov Timur Rustyamovich
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Submitted: 24.02.2018
Abstract. The paper proposes an original method of construction of a tangent to the given arcs of circles for two variants depending on the location of the point of intersection of the tangent line and the straight line connecting the arcs centres. The authors carry out an analysis confirming the reduction in the volume of constructions and the increase in the accuracy of the determination of the intersection points in a new construction method in comparison with the traditional one. An example of the formation of interdisciplinary connections of the graphic solution of the problem with an analytical solution is shown. The proposed solutions of the problem in two variants are accompanied by detailed description and illustrative graphics.
Key words and phrases: окружность, прямая, касательная, сопряжение, точка сопряжения, отрезок, центр дуги, радиус, circle, straight line, tangent line, conjugation, conjugation point, segment, arc centre, radius
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