Astafurova Tat'yana Nikolaevna, Kolyabina Natal'ya Sergeevna
Volgograd State University
Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law
Abstract. The article deals with the process of forming foreign-language skills of academic writing as one of the basic components of academic culture. The structural-compositional, lexical-grammatical, functional-stylistic features of the academic text that influence the correct translation of scientific knowledge are analyzed. Various levels of language means facilitating the correct transfer of the author's intention and the results of the study in the form of description, explanation, statement, reasoning, evaluation or invitation to discussion are highlighted.
Key words and phrases: академическая культура, категории текста, перформативные глаголы, academic culture, categories of text, structural-compositional, lexical-grammatical, functional-stylistic features of scientific text, performative verbs
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