Shurukhina Tat'yana Nikolaevna
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issues of examination of new philosophy of education as an interdisciplinary field of study. It is shown that its appearance is connected with the change of the role and place of education in the life of a person, dissemination of information technologies. The key views of the ideologists of new philosophy of education in Russia and the world are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the place of the education philosophy as a scientific area in theory and practice of the Russian education, able to comprehend a new pedagogical reality and to assist in the development of national strategy of education.
Key words and phrases: философия и идеология образования, междисциплинарные исследования, будущее образования, традиционная система образования, новые формы и методы образования, педагогическое сообщество, гуманистическая педагогика, philosophy and ideology of education, interdisciplinary studies, future of education, traditional system of education, new forms and methods of education, pedagogical community, humanistic pedagogy
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