Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2018. № 2. P. 117-120.
Dementsova Emiliya Viktorovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 01.02.2018
Abstract. The article reveals a special characteristic feature of the author’s theatre directed by Konstantin Bogomolov by the example of the adaptation of the novel "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann and its rendering to the stage language. The author focuses on the atmosphere of the stage still and silence as a means of the director’s and actors’ artistic expressiveness, as well as the influence of this theatrical technique on the audience’s perception of the play and the creation of particular acoustic and psychological atmosphere in the auditorium. The play is considered as a social-theatrical experiment, expanding the boundaries of the audience’s presence in the theatre. Main attention is paid to aesthetics of performativity of the play as a distinctive feature of the director’s individual style.
Key words and phrases: театр, спектакль, исполнительское искусство, адаптация, Томас Манн, Константин Богомолов, theatre, play, performing art, adaptation, Thomas Mann, Konstantin Bogomolov
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