Abstract. In the article development of the advanced training system of workers of heavy industry at enterprises of the Ural region in the 1970s is analyzed. Advantages and limitations of all its forms are characterized. Efficiency and shortcomings of individual and course training are emphasized, attention is drawn to effectiveness of the mentoring movement in training and education of young workers; the role of public organizations in development of socialist competition of labor collectives for mastering technical knowledge is underlined, and importance of economic education in solving these problems is noted.
Key words and phrases: индивидуальное обучение, курсовое обучение, наставничество, экономическое образование, квалификационный разряд, производительность труда, движение многостаночников, движение за овладение смежными профессиями, individual training, course training, mentoring, economic education, skill category, labor productivity, movement to encourage operation of a number of machines simultaneously, movement to master related occupations