Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 1. P. 129-132.
Oleinik Mariya Sergeevna
The State Russian Museum
Abstract. The article deals with the sociocultural phenomenon of the turn of the XIХ-ХХ centuries. For the first time the woman declares consciously her rights, now she is not just a biological value, but an absolute member of society. Marianna Vladimirovna Verevkina developed the theory that "male talent" should be engaged in creativity, and "female talent" - in teaching. M. V. Verevkina became a mentor for A. G. Jawlensky. She believed that she could not translate her ideas into reality herself, abandoning the classical method of teaching and using the means of the word, cultivating the "male creator". It is concluded that the theoretical method, in spite of the new approach in the training of the artist, is utopian.
Key words and phrases: Веревкина, Явленский, Германия, Мюнхен, Гизелаштрассе, художник, авангард, Verevkina, Jawlensky, Germany, Munich, Giselastrasse, artist, avant-garde
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