Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2017. № 12. Part 1. P. 16-18.
Artemova Evgeniya Georgievna
Moscow City University
Abstract. The article analyzes Vladimir Martynov’s opera "The Exercises and Dances of Guido" and its 2017 staging in Natalya Sats Musical Theater, where it was staged for the first time. The opera is a conceptual composition on Gregorian cantus in which the author breaks traditional conceptions of genre revealing the idea that music takes its origin from the invention of Benedictine monk Guido d'Arezzo made in the XI century. Stage director Georgiy Isaakyan proposed an unusual scenic interpretation of the composition which helps the listener "to see" Martynov’s music. The paper focuses on discovering the conception of the opera in stage director’s interpretation.
Key words and phrases: Владимир Мартынов, опера, "Упражнения и танцы Гвидо", Московский детский музыкальный театр имени Наталии Сац, концепция, постановка, интерпретация, Vladimir Martynov, opera, "The Exercises and Dances of Guido", Natalya Sats Musical Theater, conception, production, interpretation
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