Abstract. The article considers the peculiarities of pianist-concertmaster’s work with piano transcription of symphonic compositions. The author identifies the most important principles and techniques of concertmaster’s work with piano transcription of a musical score. Special attention is paid to the problems of deep immersion in author’s dramaturgy, stylistics, orchestration. The paper justifies the necessity of pianist-concertmaster’s deeper involvement into the process of studying composer’s intention and the techniques to implement it in the musical score.
Key words and phrases: концертмейстер, фортепианная транскрипция симфонических произведений, клавир, работа над партией, коррекция нотного текста, исполнительские приемы игры, фактура, concertmaster, piano transcription of symphonic compositions, clavier, work with musical score, correction of musical score, performing techniques, texture