Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 8. P. 82-85.
Izotova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
Abstract. The article examines gift culture in Japan as an integral part of the Japanese peoples’ everyday life. Necessary elements of gift exchange in Japan are seasonal gifts. The author identifies the ethno-cultural peculiarities, traces the evolution of the Ochugen and Oseibo traditions and the tradition to exchange New Year cards. The paper concludes that gift exchange process in Japanese worldview is much more important than the gift itself. It promotes individuals’ social integration, harmonization and consolidation of vertical and horizontal relations and also serves as a barometer of a personality’s sociocultural status, his/her place in social hierarchy.
Key words and phrases: сезонные подарки, о тю:гэн, о сэйбо:, о бон, новогодние открытки, гири, ритуал, продукты, seasonal gifts, Ochugen (traditional midyear gift-giving), Oseibo (sending a year-end present), O-bon (the Bon festival), New Year cards, giri (moral duty), ritual, food
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Izotova H. H. Natsional'nye osobennosti vstrechi Novogo goda v Yaponii // Filologicheskie nauki v MGIMO: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. 2014. № 55 (70). C. 189-198.