Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 12. Part 2. P. 121-124.
Nogovitsyn Nikita Olegovich
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. The author considers the advertising image in the context of the communicative process, and reveals specificity of sense expression and messages transmission in advertising. A distinctive feature of advertising is a combination of pragmatics, natural for the sphere of sales, and aesthetics as a part of the marketing strategy. This combination leads to interrelation of two modes of perception - a denotative one, in which the image refers to the subject, and a significative one, in which the subject is a part of the overall system of values.
Key words and phrases: современные культурные практики, философия рекламы, современная эстетика, социокультурные трансформации, медиафилософия, философия рекламы, modern cultural practices, philosophy of advertising, modern aesthetics, social-cultural transformations, media philosophy, advertising philosophy
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