Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 12. Part 1. P. 59-62.
Durkin Ruslan Alekseevich
Russian State Social University
Abstract. The article declares that the historically formed separateness of Eastern Christianity into local churches, while the unity of religion doctrine is intact, has caused the development of the peculiar type of solidarity, which combines national-ethnic and religious aspects and is multifarious in its concrete manifestations. The paper proposes an integrated approach to the study of inter-church and church-state relations. This approach is based on the analysis of opposing each other tendencies that are named here "universalism" and "localism". It is explained that the convergent mutual influence of these tendencies forms the main principles of social and political practices of the Eastern Christian churches.
Key words and phrases: религиозная идентичность, национальная идентичность, межрелигиозный диалог, государственно-церковные отношения, социальная солидарность, автокефальные церкви, religious identity, national identity, interreligious dialogue, church-state relations, social solidarity, autocephalous churches
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