Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 3. Part 2. P. 189-196.
Tarasov Sergei Vladimirovich
Elets State University named after I. A. Bunin
Abstract. The article considers the issue of the nature of those punishments, which are alternative to imprisonment: their essence, inherent advantages and disadvantages. The relevant experience of their application for committing traffic crimes in the world practice is analyzed. Denoting contradictions that are inherent in the punishment of imprisonment for a fixed term, the author concludes that alternative punishments are not only possible, but moreover in most cases it is necessary and appropriate to apply them to persons guilty of negligent transport crimes.
Key words and phrases: транспортные преступления, общественная опасность преступлений против безопасности движения и эксплуатации транспорта, лишение свободы, альтернативные наказания, общая и специальная превенция, transport crimes, public danger of crimes against traffic safety and transport operation, deprivation of liberty, alternative punishment, general and special prevention
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