Abstract. The article examines the role of socio-cultural context in the formation and functioning of information design. The author reveals the essential characteristics of info-graphics in the context of modern social reality "requiring" interpretation for consumers. Just the objects of info-graphics come out as a kind of mediators ("epistemic things"). The author concludes that it is achieved due to the use in designing the principles of rationality, simplicity, reliability and topicality in supplying information.
Key words and phrases: информационный дизайн, инфографика, визуальный дизайн, контекст дизайн-разработок, визуальные средства представления информации, визуальная коммуникация, визуальные коммуникации повседневного пространства, information design, info-graphics, visual design, context of designs, visual means for presenting information, visual communication, visual communications of everyday space
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