Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 2. Part 1. P. 110-112.
Maksimov Evgenii Ivanovich
Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Abstract. The article is devoted to the piano variations of the German pianist, organist and composer I. V. Hesler (1847-1822), a lot of whose works are associated with the Russian folklore. Hesler’s creative work is now almost forgotten. Meanwhile, it is of great interest to both the researcher and the performer. The article considers the composer’s dramatic variations in the context of combining the traditions of the Russian and Western European music. The principles of Beethoven are particularly important in Hesler’s variation cycles in the view of the structure and techniques of development.
Key words and phrases: Геслер, вариации, тема, контрастность, традиции западноевропейской музыки, Hesler, variation, theme, contrast, Western European music traditions
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