Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 10. Part 1. P. 114-116.
Myasnikova Ol'ga Nikolaevna
Volzhskiy Institute of Humanities
Abstract. In the article the situation with school educational materials on History in Russia at the beginning of the XX century is analyzed. Within the framework of two directions of national historical science, official protective and liberal, the interpretations of foreign policy in the pages of pre-revolutionary school textbooks are considered. Authors represented Russia as a powerful state, which was carrying on indefatigable struggle with foreign aggressors. The main idea of the textbooks was the acquisition of new territories and the defence of conquered ones.
Key words and phrases: школьные учебники, официально-охранительное направление в исторической науке, либеральное направление в исторической науке, идеология, внешняя политика, school textbooks, official protective direction in historical science, liberal direction in historical science, ideology, foreign policy
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